Jury notes 2022

Jury Notes from the Carl Nielsen International Competition 2022


1st round

The combined voting over 2 days resulted in a clear consensus for 12 contestants who were automatically chosen to succeed to round 2:<br /> <br /> Hans Christian Aavik<br /> Ava Bahari<br /> Kingston Ho<br /> Sarah Jégou-Sageman<br /> Lorenz Karls<br /> Eun Che Kim<br /> Bohdan Luts<br /> Jason Moon<br /> Elias David Moncado<br /> Alexey Stychkin<br /> Karen Su<br /> Chaofan Wang<br />

2nd round

The voting resulted in a clear consensus for 6 contestants who were automatically chosen to succeed to the semi-finals:<br /> <br /> Hans Christian Aavik<br /> Ava Bahari<br /> Sarah Jégou-Sageman<br /> Lorenz Karls<br /> Eun Che Kim<br /> Bohdan Luts<br />

3rd Round, Semifinal

The voting resulted in a clear consensus for 3 contestants who were automatically chosen to succeed to the finals:<br /> <br /> Hans Christian Aavik<br /> Eun Che Kim<br /> Bohdan Luts


The voting resulted in a clear consensus as to the 3rd Prize Winner but not for the 1st & 2nd. Following discussion and a second ballet it was decided that the remaining two participants should be awarded joint 1st Prize.<br /> <br /> 1st Prize: Hans Christian Aavik & Bohdan Luts<br /> 3rd Prize: Eun Che Kim<br />

1st Round

Head of the Jury Yehuda Gilad acknowledged that he was the teacher of 3 contestants and abstained from voting according to the competition rules.<br /> The voting resulted in a clear consensus as to which 12 contestants should continue to round 2:<br /> <br /> Minkyung Chu<br /> Alberto Álvarez García<br /> Panagiotis Giannakas<br /> Youjin Jung<br /> Hyensoo Kim<br /> Hyesoo Kim<br /> Jonathan Leibovitz<br /> Ann Lepage<br /> José Luis Ingles Martinez<br /> Gerbrich Meijer<br /> Luz Sedeño<br /> Oleg Shebeta-Dragan

2nd Round

Head of the Jury Yehuda Gilad acknowledged that he was the teacher of 1 contestant and abstained from voting according to the competition rules.<br /> The voting resulted in a clear consensus as to which 6 contestants should continue to the semi-finals:<br /> <br /> Alberto Álvarez García<br /> Panagiotis Giannakas<br /> Hyensoo Kim<br /> Ann Lepage<br /> Gerbrich Meijer<br /> Oleg Shebeta-Dragan

3rd Round, Semifinal

Head of the Jury, Yehuda Gilad, acknowledged that he was the teacher of 1 contestant and abstained from voting according to the competition rules.<br /> The voting resulted in a clear consensus as to which 3 contestants should continue to the finals negating the need for any discussion or further ballots.<br /> <br /> Following the announcement, one finalist decided to withdraw from the competition for personal reasons. The jury unanimously decided on the replacement candidate. The following participants will perform at the Finals: <br /> <br /> Panagiotis Giannakas<br /> Ann Lepage<br /> Oleg Shebeta-Dragan<br />


The voting resulted in a clear consensus as to which contestants should receive the First, Second and Third Prize; negating the need for any discussion or further ballots.<br /> <br /> 1st Prize: Oleg Shebeta-Dragan<br /> 2nd Prize: Ann Lepage<br /> 3rd Prize: Panagiotis Giannakas<br />

1. Round

Jury member, Emily Beynon, acknowledged that she was the teacher of 1 contestant and abstained from voting according to the competition rules.<br /> <br /> The combined voting over 2 days resulted in a clear consensus for 11 contestants who were automatically chosen to succeed to round 2.<br /> <br /> A further 4 contestants were submitted to a second ballot in order to establish which 1 should continue to the next round. <br /> <br /> The following contestants continued to round 2:<br /> <br /> Alberto Acuna Almela<br /> Federico Altare<br /> Gladys Avignon<br /> Violeta Gil Garcia<br /> Su Kyung Jang<br /> Seohyeon Kim<br /> Janette Leván<br /> Mael Marcon<br /> Pablo Alcantara Martinez<br /> Alberto Navarra<br /> Nikolai Song<br /> Yuan Yu

2nd Round

The voting resulted in a clear consensus for 6 contestants who were automatically chosen to succeed to the semi-finals:<br /> <br /> Alberto Acuna Almela<br /> Violeta Gil Garcia<br /> Seohyeon Kim<br /> Alberto Navarra<br /> Nikolai Song<br /> Yuan Yu

3rd Round, Semifinal

The voting resulted in a clear consensus for 3 contestants who were automatically chosen to succeed to the Finals:<br /> <br /> Alberto Acuna Almela<br /> Seohyeon Kim<br /> Alberto Navarra<br />


The voting resulted in a clear consensus as to which contestants should receive the First, Second and Third Prize, negating the need for any discussion or further ballots.<br /> <br /> 1st Prize: Alberto Navarra<br /> 2nd Prize: Seohyeon Kim<br /> 3rd Prize: Alberto Acuna Almela<br />